Staff and external users' borrowing card

University Library System Card

The University Library System Card is intended for:

  • University staff
  • external or affiliated library users
  • students of the following study programmes: 
    • Professional Master courses, Specialisation Schools, Advanced Training Courses, Professional Continuing Education, pf24, Single Courses, Erasmus incoming. 

The Card is used to borrow books from all the libraries of the University of Florence, as well as to access the Library of Social Sciences in Novoli and the Humanities Library in Piazza Brunelleschi, which are equipped with an entry control system.

It is issued by the libraries; it shows the user's first name, surname and ID number, both in the barcode and in the magnetic strip on the back.

In case of loss, wear or theft, it is possible to request a duplicate of the card at one of the University libraries.


CartaCarta "Studente della Toscana"
All the Tuscan students enrolled in the following courses: Bachelor's, Master's, PhD, professional master courses and specialisation schools, as of the academic year 2018-2019 will use their Carta "Studente della Toscana", instead. 
The card is issued by the Student Admin Offices and students need to refer to them in case of loss or theft.

Last update



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