FloRe (Florence Research) is the institutional repository of the University of Florence. Freely searchable, it showcases the products of our university's institutional research activities
FLORE makes available in full text the scholarly contributions of the University's faculty and researchers when deposited in Open Access or under a Creative Commons license.
FloRe institutional repository can be reached by searching in "All Resources" or by selecting "FloRe (IRIS research repository)" from the drop-down menu.
When viewing a contribution from the archive, the link "Online access may be restricted" appears, indicating that the document is available in full text only in cases where the author has deposited it in Open Access under an Open Access or Creative Commons license, and restricted in all other cases .
If the document is not in open access:
Only in case the library is unable to provide the document can it be requested directly from the Author using the button
For more information:
Open Science at the University
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