Services for users with disabilities and SLD

The libraries provide some services to help users with disabilities using library resources.

Home delivery and pick-up of borrowed books

Students with physical disabilities can borrow books directly from home without coming to the library

How it works:

  • Use OneSearch to locate the library that holds the materials you need
  • If the books are available for loan, you can call the library directly to arrange the loan
  • In every library there are staff to assist in searching and placing a hold on the books needed
  • The materials will be delivered  by courier to the address indicated by the student
  • At the end of the loan term the student will call the library either to renew the loan or to arrange for pick up of the borrowed items

Who can use it

All users with a long-term or temporary physical disability, can use the service. Those who have not already submitted to the University their disability certificate can use this self-declaration form and send it to the library of choice.

Accessible format books

It is possible to request a copy in a digitally accessible format of the books belonging to the University of Florence. This service is possible thanks to the accreditation as an authorized entity by the Ministry of Culture and thanks to the agreement with the Biblioteca Italiana per i Ciechi "Regina Margherita"- ONLUS which converts texts in other formats (braille and enlarged characters)

The service is available for users who are blind, visually impaired, with perceptual or reading disabilities, or with certain physical disabilities (see Law 633/1941, art. 71bis, paragraph 2 ter.)

To access the service and learn about its terms and conditions:

  • write to sbainclusione-group(AT)
  • visit Unifi include page.

You can also borrow LIA (Libri Italiani accessibili-Accessible italian books) certified ebooks in accessible format for blind and visually impaired, through MLOL - Media Library OnLine - Unifi and through Pandoracampus, multi-publisher digital lending platforms.

Loan by proxy

It is possible to borrow books by delegating another person. The delegated person needs to have with them: 

    • a written proxy;
    • a photocopy of the student's ID or academic record booklet (libretto universitario);
    • their own ID.

Tools available for blind, vision-impaired and dyslexic students

All tools listed below can be used free of charge by the students during the opening hours of the libraries.

Library Tools Contact persons
Largo Brambilla 3 - Firenze

1 NVDA position
1 Leggilibro (read-aloud book reader)

2 Videoenlargers
1 Portable Videoenlarger

Vincenzo Natile

Sciences Campus
Via G. Bernardini 6 - Sesto Fiorentino (FI)

1 Jaws position

1 Leggilibro (read-aloud book reader)

1 Videoenlarger

1 Scanner A3

Lisa Lazzeri
Via Santa Marta, 3 Firenze

1 NVDA position

1 Videoenlarger

1 scanner A3

Rosaria Petreti
Social Sciences
Via delle Pandette, 2 - Firenze
(Novoli Social Sciences Campus)

1 NVDA position

1 Videoenlarger
1 Portable Videoenlarger

3 Big Keyboard

Chiara Oliveti
Liberal Arts
Piazza Brunelleschi 4 - Firenze

1 Jaws position

1 Videoenlarger

1 Scanner A3

Carla Milloschi
Prato Campus
Piazza Ciardi 25 - Prato
1 Leggilibro (read-aloud book reader) Simone Berti
(tel. 0574 602516)


For information write to sbainclusione-group(AT) or to contact persons of each library:


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