OneSearch: books, journals, articles, e-books

What is OneSearch?

OneSearch is the integrated catalog that allows you to search for books (modern and ancient), journals, articles, ebooks, digital objects and other types of material (videos, microfilms, maps, charts...) owned by Unifi libraries or accessible online, free or by subscription, from multiple systems such as catalogs, open-access archives, publishers' platforms, databases.

From OneSearch you can access the list of electronic journals, databases and you can explore the digital collections.

Through OneSearch it is also possible to search:

It is also possible to consult the new acquisitions (last 90 days) of the libraries.

OneSearch SBART

OneSearch SBART is the unique interface that allows you to search in the printed, electronic or digital collections of the Universities of Florence, Siena, Pisa and Scuola Superiore S. Anna (and other related institutions).

Collections from other libraries

Since 2014, OneSearch includes the bibliographic descriptions of the collections of other prestigious libraries, such as:

OneSearch Services

From My profile on OneSearch it is possible to access library services such as make a reservation for a book, renew a loan, make a purchase proposal, request an interlibrary loan.

Guides and tutorials

For information on how to access your personal profile and how to make reservations and loan renewals visit OneSearch: access to services.
To learn more about search techniques read OneSearch: how to do a search

Documents prior to 1986

Documents acquired before 1986 may not be included in OneSearch. These can be searched in the card catalogues in each library.


Last update



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