Consultation of historical archives and antique materials

The libraries hold several collections that include rare and antique works.

For the consultation of such materials, please refer to the dedicated regulations for accessing antique and rare material (DR n. 772).

For the reproduction of such material please refer to the rules for authorised photographic and film reproductions.

Access information


Antique and valuable materials are available as reference only and can be reproduced in the dedicated room.
To book an appointment please call 055 275 1370 o contact Lucia Frigenti, or Laura Quinto.

The following antique documents of the Library have been digitized and are available online:


Antique and valuable materials are available as reference only. For specific needs please contact the librarians during the opening hours.

Part of the antique material has been digitized and is available online. For more information please visit the page below:

Social Sciences

Historical archives and materials published before 1886 are available upon request in the dedicated room on the second floor.

For books present in OneSearch, the online request is provided.
For books not present in OneSearch, but retrievable from the movable card catalogue, you must fill in the appropriate paper form and hand it in at the counter on the ground floor. An e-mail will notify you when the book will be available at the Rare Room.

To make an appointment use the mailbox A librarian will reply to your mailbox indicating the days and times when you can access the Rare Books Room.

Rare or valuable books consulted in the Rare Room may be left in storage at the user's disposal.


Antique and valuable items are available for consultation only. Such material can be reproduced according to the copyright laws and the internal Rules for authorised photographic and film reproductions.

  • Agriculture library
    Ask the librarians at the information desk. Normally the material is available for reading only.
  • Architecture library
    The material is available for reading only. On wednesdays and thursdays, reading is available from 9.30 to 13.30 at the Sala Archivi e Fondo Storico on the second floor. On mondays, tuesdays and fridays to request an item a form must be filled out and handed in at the information desk at least 30 minutes before distribution times (9.30 and 11.30 am); the items must be read in the Reference Room and returned by 1.30 pm.
    A selection of the documents has been digitalized and can be accessed online:
  • Engineering library
    Materials are distributed upon request during opening hours. They are only available for reading with the exception of the Montefusco archive that can be borrowed.



Antique, rare and valuable material as well as other archival materials can be consulted in the Rare Books Room  on the first floor of the library's main building in Piazza Brunelleschi. All print material dating before 1830 is considered antique, rare and valuable as defined in art. 2 of Regulations for the consultation of antuique, rare and valuable material and the access to historical archives. In the Rare Books Room users can also access the volumes held in the Paleography section.

Albeit some of the antique material (16th to 19th century) has got entries in the online catalogue, call numbers must be searched through the card catalogues.

Volumes published before 1886, manuscripts and letters cannot be photocopied. They can be photographed, however, upon request to be submitted to the library director. Users will be charged of all the reproduction expenses. All reproductions have to abide by copyright laws and the internal Rules for authorised photographic and film reproductions.

The consultation of archival material is possible for all catalogued archives, according to the limitations set by the donor and the general rules for access to private documents. The consultation of non-catalogued or partially catalogued archives must be authorized by the library director.

Enquiries to: umanistica.rari(AT)

Rare Books Room opening hours:

From November 27, 2023, the Rare Books Room will be closed on Mondays and Wednesdays.

Monday closed  
Tuesday 9 am - 1.30 pm 2 - 5 pm
Wednesday closed  
Thursday 9 am - 1.30 pm 2 - 5 pm
Friday 9 am - 1.30 pm  


Last update



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