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How to access and use some e-book collections.
The Online Media Library (MLOL) multi-vendor digital loan platform activated for the University of Florence allows the loan of e-books to be used on a pc, tablet, or smartphone (with the MLOL Reader application).
From the Home page, by selecting the University of Florence and authenticating with the University credentials, each user can access 2 loans per month: Each loan has a duration of 14 days.
The MLOL platform contains a wide collection of texts (textbooks, novels, non-fiction) by Italian publishers such as Adelphi, Bollati Boringheri, Bompiani, BUR, CLUEB, Egea, Einaudi, Esculapio, Feltrinelli, Flaccovio, Giunti, Hoepli, Laterza, Liguori, Mucchi, Il Saggiatore. There is also an open collection of freely accessible digital assets that collects uncopyrighted downloadable works, including classics, literature, and non-fiction.
Access instructions and information (in Italian)
PandoraCampus is the multi-vendor, multi-disciplinary e-learning, and digital loan platform designed by the publisher Il Mulino for university students and lecturers. The users of the University Library System can borrow free of charge textbooks on linguistics and philology, music and entertainment, psychology, sociology, anthropology and geography, political sciences, business and finance, economics, law, science, and technology from the publishers Carocci, De Agostini Scuola, Hoepli, Il Mulino and Wiley.
PandoraCampus contains useful tools for learning and teaching, such as exercises, tutorials, and additional content.
A digital edition of a textbook can be borrowed for 3 months, together with all platform services and any resources that complete it. Each user can access two texts at the same time.
Access instructions and information (in Italian)
The University of Florence has activated access to a customized collection of 160 textbooks in digital format by the publisher McGraw-Hill, with titles mainly concern the areas of Science, Engineering, Medicine and Nursing, Economics, Psychology and Sociology.
Access instructions and information (in Italian)
The University of Florence has activated access to a customized collection of 140 textbooks in digital format by the publisher Pearson pertaining to various disciplines (predominantly Economics, Computer Science, Mathematics, Psychology and Statistics)
Access instructions and information (in Italian)
You do not need to have a personal account to read the ebook online or download individual chapters/pages.
To download an entire ebook and borrow it temporarily, you need to have a personal Adobe Digital Editions / Bluefire Reader account and install the corresponding program/app on your device.
Access to ProQuest Ebook Central
The first time follow the essential tips for using ebooks with DRM (in Italian)
Access to a collection of about 130 textbooks in pdf format from the publisher Zanichelli, mainly covering the Biomedical and Science areas, to a lesser extent also the Technological Sciences.
Access instructions and information (in Italian)
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