Assistance in the evaluation of scientific research

Who is it for?

The service, active in each area library, is for all structured and non-structured staff of the University and users of contracted institutions; it can be requested by an individual user or a department or complex unit.

Offered Services 

Support to the staff of bibliometric SSDs (scientific disciplinary areas) to calculate productivity and impact indicators on the main citational and analytical platforms: Web of Science (WoS), Journal Citation Reports, Scopus, and Scival.

Support to the staff of non-bibliometric SSDs (scientific disciplinary areas) to retrieve the information needed to assess the impact of scientific production.

In particular:

  • Simulations/calculations for candidates for Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale (ASN) [National Scientific Qualification];
  • Assisting faculty/researchers in procedures related to products to be submitted for ministerial evaluation in national evaluation exercises (VQR);
  • Advising on applications for funding calls, for the parts related to presenting the impact of scientific production.

Consulting and training activities

  • Use of bibliometric databases and related analytical platforms;
  • Procedures for entering/correcting products in the Flore institutional repository;
  • Correction of author profiles found in Scopus and Web of Science.


Contact persons in the libraries:


Last update



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