Architecture Branch Library

Address & Contacts

Via Micheli, 2 - 50121 Firenze · Map
Tel. 055.2756400/1 - Fax 055.2756422 - E-mail: bibarc(AT)
E-mail Interlibrary Loan: illarch(AT)
E-mail Architectural archives service: archivi-arc-group(AT)
Sign up to Eventi@rc for info about library's events

Opening Hours

Orario Architecture
8.30am-7pm8.30am-7pm8.30am-7pm8.30am-7pm 8.30am-7pmclosed

(scorri a destra)


The collection was established in 1936 together with the Degree Programme in Architecture.   It is possible to know the history of the early decades,  by visiting the virtual exhibition "Un fiume di libri." (in italian)

Now it is the most comprehensive collection specialised in Architecture in the whole Tuscany. The library has, over time, enriched its collection with works on history and critique of architecture, urban studies, building technology, interior design, industrial design, fashion and contemporary art.

There is a wide range of Italian and foreign journals about architecture and the decorative arts as well as various archives of the XX century that represent a valuable source for the study of those topics.

The graduation theses (in Italian) of the School are also held in the Library.

Since 2010 the book collections  (in italian) of the former departments have been incorporated into the library's main collection.

The collection is made up of:

  • books: about 150,000 volumes, including modern, antique and rare books
  • journals: over 1000 titles, of which about 400 with a standing subscription
  • VHS, DVDs e CD-ROMs: over 3500
  • graduation theses (since 1965)
  • archival material (about 30 archives)


The Reading Rooms

In the reading rooms, books are freely accessible on open shelves

  • The loan rooms count roughly 21,000 specialised books (architecture, design, fashion, urban studies...) as well as all the courses' set books.
  • The reference room includes encyclopedias, dictionaries, indices, atlases, guides and treatises. This material is for reference only.
  • The course room includes reference-only copies of the courses' set books.
  • The journals rooms include latest 10 years of the most popular journals  (about 150 titles)

Audio-visual material must be requested from the library staff at the loan desk.


Materials held in the closed stacks (Pozzo librario, Periodici Pozzo, Fuori formato) should be requested by filling in the OneSearch form; theses and some external collections should be requested  by sending an e-mail to the library:



Loan service rules 

Rare and valuable items, journals, graduation theses, Didattica and Reference call numbers are for reading only.

Borrowed items must be returned by the due date. Late returns will incur a suspension from borrowing for a number of days equal to the days the loan was outstanding. The suspension is automatically calculated by the system.

The borrowing service closes at 6.45 pm.

For more information please consult the Regulations of the University Library System and Services (in Italian).


Biblio in-forma

logo del servizio Biblio in forma

Biblio in forma: reference service

Monday to Friday  8.30 am - 1.45 pm

For graduating students by appointment only, via Ask a librarian form

Phone +39 055 2756402+39 055 2756402 ; Info: Ask a librarian


Need help with bibliographic research for exams or thesis?

A librarian will follow your research by suggesting bibliographic research strategies and tools (OneSearch, databases and catalogs) in addition to books and journals available in the library.
In the case of bibliographic research for your dissertation or doctoral thesis, we advise you to book an appointment by filling out the "Ask the Library" form. You will be able to make an appointment in person, at the Biblio in-forma workstation, or, if you prefer, remotely via videoconference.


Plan of the library (click to enlarge)

pianta della biblioteca di Architettura




Last update



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