Texts Miscellany

Go to the volumes of the collection | See also: 

Landino Cristoforo, Disputationum Camaldulensium libri 4, c. 1 recto

The collection includes some volumes owned by the Libraries of the Library System of the University of Florence digitized because they are significant for their content or for their rarity. These are specimens that do not fall into any of the other digitized collections but each has a particular interest in its own discipline.

Texts on architecture such as Drawings of factories carried out on commission by Giuseppe Poggi and published between 1886 and 1887. These two volumes contain one hundred large plates depicting the drawings of the interventions made by the Florentine architect on the architectural works of the city and are part of the Poggi Archive collection

Texts of particular effect such as Mantegazza's Atlante della espressione del dolore of 1876, a significant and pioneering example of “scientific photography”, or the seventeenth-century work Cefalogia fisonomica diuisa in dieci deche by Cornelius Ghirardelli, which can rightly be considered a distant precursor of modern physiognomic. 

Texts of historical value for the study of law and forestry legislation such as the main work of the founder of Italian forestry Adolfo De Bérenger, known with the title of Archeologia forestale and published in a limited number of specimens between 1859 and 1863. 

In the collection also two manuscripts of the sixteenth century from the Humanities Library, one by Cristoforo Landino, the other by Pietro Baldi del Riccio, also known as Pietro Crinito.

Here are also volumes linked to the history of our archives such as the so-called Catalogo Rocchi, historical catalogue printed between 1890 and 1898 by the lawyer Gaetano Rocchi. It describes the collection of about 12,600 volumes of the ancient Library of the Bar of Florence, including the manuscripts described in the collection Manuscripts of Statutes.


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