About us Rules and RegulationsRegulation for the authorization of photographic and filmographic reproductions
Regulation for the authorization of photographic and filmographic reproductions
Decree of the President of the University of Florence n. 647 of 18 June 2015 (prot. n. 82680)
NOTICE: With the entry into force of Law No. 124, 4/8/2017, some parts of this Regulation are no longer applicable. As of 29 August, it is possible to freely make reproductions by one's own means of bibliographic assets, in compliance with current copyright legislation and the provisions of Article 108 of the Cultural Heritage and Landscape Code. More information (In Italian)
Note: This is an excerpt with salient information only. It does not have legal value. For the official document, please refer to the Italian version
Art. 1 - Reproductions
- The President of the University of Florence hereby authorises all reproductions both from original works and from digital archives of library and archival material held in the rare and valuable collections of the University of Florence and in the closed stack and historical archive of the University as well as of historical heritage buildings and artistic heritage held within them provided that users strictly abide by the rules listed below.
- Reproduction is any copy, in full, in part or modified, made with any means and in any form.
Art. 2 - Request for Reproductions
- The request must be submitted using the appropriate form Attachment B.By submitting the request the applicant accepts the regulations hereby contained and is committed to abide by them.
Art. 3 - Authorization to Reproduce Material
- Reproduce Material The reproduction will be authorised by the manager of the unit where the work to be reproduced is held, after assessing its consistency and conservation state. The manager will also take into consideration of the purposes and means of reproduction, their abidance by current copyright and privacy laws and any other legal or intrinsic constraints applicable to the concerned work.
- The authorization is in any case strictly personal, cannot be transferred, renewed or leased.
Art. 4 - Means Used for the Reproductions
- The applicant is authorised, if assessment as per art. 3 leads to positive outcome, to reproduce the work with own or other means, and upon agreeing with the manager on times, modes and quantity of copies to be made.
Art. 5 - Fees
- All costs sustained by the single units to carry out the reproductions are payable by the applicant.
Art. 6 - Reproductions for Commercial
- Purposes Reproductions for commercial purposes are subject to fees which must be paid in advance as per price list. Attachment A.
- Reproductions made for study purposes and for educational and scientific publications are not subject to the payment of fees.
Art. 7 - Byline to be Mentioned in Reproductions
- Each occurrence of the reproduced item must be cited mentioning the specific information of the original work and the byline: “Used by permission of the University of Florence”, with explicit mention that no further reproduction or duplication with whatever means is permitted without prior authorization. The aforementioned byline must be sufficiently clear and legible in any modality of communication and/or dissemination of the reproductions.
- In case of images downloaded from the digital archives or the webpages of the University of Floorence, the byline must mention also the URL of the source used.
Art. 8 - Obligation to Hand in Copies of the Reproductions
- Users are required to give a copy of each reproduction made and copies of the publications containing them, to the unit holding the work as per indications stated in the authorization form.
Art. 9 - Responsibility for the Use of Reproductions
- Users take full responsibility to make the reproductions according to what declared in the request lodged. The reproductions can neither be further reproduced nor given to third parties in any form and device nor used for purposes different from the ones specified in the request.
Art. 10 - Reproductions and Copyright
- The authorization is strictly limited to the reproduction indicated in the request and does not imply any transfer of the rights or intellectual property which remain with the author of the work. In particular, when the reproduction is used for a publication the applicant has the responsibility to ascertain who the owners of copyrights are and the conditions to which the publication of the work is subjected to.
Art. 11 - Liability for Damages
- The University of Florence cannot be held responsible for damages to things or persons caused as a consequence or by whatever activity carried out by the authorised users.
- Users are responsible for any damage caused to the works as a consequence of the reproduction activity. Damages will be quantified by the unit granting authorization and charged to the user.
Art. 12 - Special Cases
- All requests for authorizations of reproductions not expressely mentioned in these regulations will be considered a case by case basis.