MediaLibraryOnLine MLOL - Unifi

The digital loans platform is now active

MediaLibraryOnLine MLOL - Unifi

The Online Media Library (MLOL) digital multi-vendor loan platform is active at, allowing you to borrow eBooks for use on your pc, tablet or smartphone (with the MLOL Reader application).

From the home page selecting the University of Florence and by authenticating with the University credentials, each user will be able to access the following resources:

2 loans per month: each loan has a duration of 14 days. 

The MLOL platform contains a wide collection of texts (manual, narrative, essayistic) by Italian publishers such as Adelphi, Bollati Boringheri, Bompiani, BUR, CLUEB, Egea, Einaudi, Esculapio, Feltrinelli, Flaccovio, Giunti, Hoepli, Laterza, Liguori, Mucchi, Il Saggiatore.

There is also an open collection of open access digital assets that collects uncopyrighted works that can be downloaded and kept indefinitely; these include classics, literature, and non-fiction titles.

The volumes can be accessed through OneSearch.
Instructions (in Italian)

For questions or issues write to ebookeblstaff(AT)

Published on

27 January 2021


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