Activation of Orbis Europe

The New Economic and Financial Area Database

Activation of Orbis Europe

As of January 2024, Orbis Europe, the new database of the publisher Bureau van Dijk that replaces Amadeus, has been activated. It is a database of comparable financial and business information on the 128 million largest public and private companies in Europe, covering 43 countries. Orbis Europe includes standardised annual accounts (consolidated and non-consolidated), financial ratios, sectoral activities and ownership data and is useful for research on competitiveness, economic integration, applied microeconomics, business cycles, economic geography and corporate finance.

Consultation of the database is done by entering a username and password created after registering an individual account; AIDA users can use the same credentials. Up to two simultaneous logins are allowed.

Info on the OneSearch page

Published on

22 January 2024


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