
Libraries tell their story


100 Years of the University #librariesUnifi100

Libraries are participating in the University of Florence's Centennial events with a series of postings on the Univeristy Library System's social profiles to tell trivia and stories from the world of books and archives.


Some initiatives were made for the occation and offered to the
general public.
Edocēre medicos Exhibition. History of medical andsurgical training in Florence

The Biomedical Library illustrates the history of medical and surgical education in Florence through the centuries with a rich display at the
Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana (Piazza San Lorenzo, 9 - Florence)

22 March - 21 June 2024 - Monday to Friday 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m
For more information and to plan your visit, see the website of the Biblioteca Laurenziana

Published on

24 May 2024


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