History of Mathematics in Sala Toja

Conclusion of Prof. Ulivi's course with a visit to the Library

History of Mathematics in Sala Toja

As has been customary for many years, Professor Elisabetta Ulivi, lecturer in the history of mathematics, concluded her course last week with a visit to Sala Toja where an itinerary was set up among the ancient and rare books kept in the Mathematics Branch of the Sciences Library.

From the Euclidis Megarensis philosophi acutissimi... , in Pacioli's edition published in Venice in 1509, via Archimedes, Diophanthus and Pappus of Alexandria, Federico Commandino, Giordano Nemorario with Boethius’s Arithmetica, we arrive at Fibonacci and his Liber abbaci, to continue with Calandri’s Aritmetica, the one by Borghi, then with the Summa and the Divina proportione by Luca Pacioli, the General Trattato di numeri, et misure by Tartaglia, and  the Opere by Cardano, just to name a portion of the material shown.
An opportunity for students to learn about the Library's holdings and be able to view volumes that would otherwise be difficult to access.



Published on

06 June 2024


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