Opening on Thursday, Sept. 26, at Villa Bardini (Costa San Giorgio 2 Florence) will be the exhibition “OltreCittà. Utopia and Reality From Le Corbusier to Gerhard Richter.”
The exhibition, organized by Fondazione CR Firenze and Generali-Valore Cultura, under the patronage of the City of Florence, and curated by Lucia Fiaschi, Bruno Corà, Silvia Mantovani and Claudia Bucelli, has also been contributed to by the Technology Library - Architectural branch with the loan of some books from its collection:
- Bruno Taut, Die Stadtkrone, Jena, Diederichs, 1919
- Bruno Taut, Die Auflösung der Städte oder die Erde eine gute Wohnung, oder auch: der Weg zur alpinen Architektur, Hagen, Folkwang-Verlag, 1920
- Rob Krier, Urban space, New York, Rizzoli, 1979
- Christopher Alexander, A pattern language: towns, buildings, construction, New York, Oxford University Press, 1977