Springer vouchers running out during the week of October 7-11

For publishing in open access with APC covering costs

Springer vouchers running out during the week of October 7-11

The Springer publisher has informed CARE-CRUI that the week of October 7 will see the depletion of funds to publish in open access without APC fees.

Therefore, as of the actual day vouchers run out, there will be no more OA fund coverage for articles accepted for publication until 12/31/2024.

Corresponding authors of such articles will have three options:

  • choose to pay the APCs provided by Springer for publication in OA;
  • choose to publish, at no cost, in subscription model;
  • choose to withdraw the submission and send their article to another journal of another publisher for which there is always capacity in the respective OA fund (e.g. Elsevier, Wiley...)

    For information, visit Open Access publishing or write to

Published on

07 October 2024


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