Places of beauty. UNESCO World Heritage Sites of Peru and Florence Photographic and documentary exhibition

Humanities Library, 26th march- 27th April

Places of beauty. UNESCO World Heritage Sites of Peru and Florence Photographic and documentary exhibition

Openining 26th march 6pm, Humanities Library, Piazza Brunelleschi 4
The exhibition brings together monuments and natural sites declared World Heritage Sites in two distant geographical contexts, but united by intense cultural relations.
The Consulate of Peru, organiser of the event together with the Humanities Library, had already promoted a photographic exhibition entitled Peru's World Heritage Sites, which was held last September in its premises. It was precisely from this last initiative that the idea arose to propose, in close collaboration between the Biblioteca Umanistica and the Consulate, a photographic and documentary exhibition that would bring together in an ideal twinning the UNESCO heritage sites in Peru and the artistic heritage of the Florentine historical centre, recognised by UNESCO in 1982, with the aim of strengthening the culture of preserving this inestimable wealth. In addition to the photographs immortalising Peru's extraordinary natural and artistic beauty, which were already on display in September, the exhibition includes images of monuments representative of the exceptional universal value of the historic centre of Florence, taken by the Circolo Ricreativo Culturale Dipendenti dell'Università and students. The exhibition is completed by a selection of books on Florence and Peru, from the Library's collections, and volumes and pre-incaic artefacts kindly loaned by the ‘Centro studi Jorge Eielson’.
Free entrance
Opening hours: Mon-Fri 8.30am-7pm; Sat 8.30am-1.30pm

Published on

19 March 2025


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