Geomineralogy branch library

Address & Contacts

Via La Pira, 4 - 50121 Firenze · Map
Tel. 055.2757534/43 - E-mail: geolo(AT)

Opening Hours

Orario Geomineralogy

(scorri a destra)


The library was founded in 1870 and was merged with the library of the former Institute of Mineralogy, Petrography and Geochemistry in 1979.

Besides the books' heritage, it holds some important miscellaneous material such as Carobbi, Manasse, Aloisi.

The collection includes also around 2,700 geological and geographical maps and a sizeable antique collection.

The library collection consists of:

  • 15,000 books 
  • 887 journals, of which 122 with a standing subscription, all available also in digital format

Particularly important and accessible on-line

Specific Resources


  • reading room with 24 seats
  • 1 desktop PC for catalogue searches and research
  • wireless connection available

It's available BiblioScan: document scanning service

Located in a Limited Traffic Zone ZTL

The library is on the first floor in the building that also hosts the Geology and Paleontology section of the Museum of Natural History.

The library is accessible to users with disabilities.


piantina della sede di Geomineralogia

Linked Instututions

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