Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
8.30am-6pm | 8.30am-6pm | 8.30am-6pm | 8.30am-6pm | 8.30am-6pm | closed |
(scorri a destra)
Christmas Opening hours:
The library, established in 1913 from the book collection of nineteenth-century origin of the Royal Forestry Institute of Vallombrosa founded in 1869, uniquely documents the birth of forestry science in Italy and the world and is one of the most important libraries in the field in Italy.
The library's book collection now numbers about 150,000 volumes, including monographs and periodicals, about 50,000 of which have been included in the electronic catalogue since 1989, as well as a rich collection of special materials (geographic and pedological maps, CD-ROMs, and videotapes) and archival (photographs and photographic plates).
The Library's rich historical collection consists of over 6,000 ancient and valuable books, the census of which is not yet fully completed since the original collection of Vallombrosa was divided among the book collections of the Institutes (later departments). Much of the library's collection, both ancient and modern, is, in fact, deposited in the library holdings of former departments pertaining to the School of Agriculture.
The library's historical collection also includes two important donations, Maugini e Serpieri, comprising more than 5,000 units including monographs, abstracts, journal issues, and pamphlets of great scientific and historical interest.
The library holds the theses from the School since 1992.
The journal collection has 1,500 titles, about 50 of which are current.
Browse the Ost-Afrika bibliography for bibliographic research on natural sciences and agriculture, related to East Africa, particularly Somalia.
In the main reading room the books are on open shelves and freely accessible.
To borrow material users need their user card (in Italian) or a valid ID.Most of the books are for loan terms of 30 or 60 days (standard loan) depending on the borrower. The other books, with a black dot near the call number tag, are for reference or loaned out only overnight or weekends.
Encyclopedias, dictionaries, indices and atlases are for reference only.
Journals and audio-visual material are accessible by requesting them from the staff.
Reference works, journals, rare and valuable books, and graduation theses cannot be borrowed.
Late returns will incur a suspension from borrowing for a number of days equal to the days the loan is outstanding. The suspension is automatically calculated by the system. If more than one item is outstanding, the suspension period will add up the days of all items.
For more information, please check the Regulations of the University Library System and Services (in Italian).
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