Crocetti Library

"Biblioteca Crocetti" is the reference library for information and archival sciences of Tuscany. In 2012 it moved to its current location inside the Humanities library, Brunelleschi branch; the relocation achieved the goal of optimising management resources and making its heritage more accessile both to general and specialised users.

The Crocetti collection includes over 20,000 volumes, including 595 journals (179 with a current subscription) and it is situated partly on open shelves in its namesake room Sala Crocetti, on the first floor, and partly in closed storage. Loans and assistance are delivered in the Sala Crocetti, where there are 16 reading seats available for users. The room has wifi access via the University network.

From November 22, 2021, the Library is accessible from the same entrance of Humanities Library (Piazza Brunelleschi) in the cloister.

Biblioteca Crocetti

Last update



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