BHL Project biology books

Martorelli Giacinto, Monografia illustrata degli uccelli di rapina in Italia, 1895, Tavola IV

Between the end of 2010 and 2011, in the framework of an agreement signed between the University Library System and the University of Gottingen Digitization Center, over 300 antique and modern volumes of the Animal Biology Section of the Library of Sciences (now merged into the Sciences Campus Library) were digitized. 

In May 2009, the European libraries of natural history museums and botanical gardens, in which most of the world's biodiversity publications are kept, had joined, through the Biodiversity Heritage Library for Europe-BHL-Europe project Biodiversity Heritage Library for Europe-BHL-Europe (coordinated by the Museum fuer Naturkunde in Berlin), the Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL) international project Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL), launched in 2007 in the United States with the aim of creating a worldwide digital library on biodiversity.

The Museum of Natural History of the University and the Sciences Library participated with a selection of works, mainly in Italian and published between 1681 and 1899.

The volumes are all searchable in OneSearch and accessible in full text.


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