Sistema Bibliotecario di Ateneo

Photos by Jacopo Biondi, Giulia Martelli e Ottavia Peruzzi, participants in the Photo contest Shots in the Library

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History of Art Library. Opening hours during summer.

History of Art Library. Opening hours during summer. 

"For beauty, for study and for pleasure." Palazzo San Clemente for architecture".

"For beauty, for study and for pleasure." Palazzo San Clemente for architecture". Exhibition, tours, walks, 7-28 June, Technology Library - Architecture

History of Mathematics in Sala Toja.

History of Mathematics in Sala Toja. Conclusion of Prof. Ulivi's course with a visit to the Library

Elsevier Gold OA voucher depleted.

Elsevier Gold OA voucher depleted. Recommended that articles NOT be submitted to Elsevier's Gold Open Access journals.


CentenaryUnifi@SBA. Libraries tell their story

Biomedical Library: elevator inoperative.

Biomedical Library: elevator inoperative. 

Engineering library closure from 9th October .

Engineering library closure from 9th October . Work in progress on the library roof

Adolfo Targioni Tozzetti Archive: an agreement to enhance it.

Adolfo Targioni Tozzetti Archive: an agreement to enhance it. Work in progress at Sciences Campus Library

Engineering Library e-learning courses.

Engineering Library e-learning courses. Updated version for the Academic year 2023/2024 available on Moodle

Subscription to the New York Times.

Subscription to the New York Times. 


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