Adolfo Targioni Tozzetti Archive: an agreement to enhance it

Work in progress at Sciences Campus Library

Adolfo Targioni Tozzetti Archive: an agreement to enhance it

Thanks to an agreement between the Sciences Library and the Ministero della Cultura – Direzione Generale Archivi, the project to describe, to reorganize the Adolfo Targioni Tozzetti archive is in progress.


The collection includes documents and correspondences of Targioni Tozzetti' s family (Giovanni, Ottaviano, Antonio, Adolfo). The material is located at the Sciences Campus Library, while a little part is preserved at the Natural History Museum, La Specola.

The reorganization and conservation of the papers and documents through the Arianna4 archival software, is a first step to offer a research tool for students and researches.

At this time, unfortunately, the access to the archive is limited. For information you can contact the Sciences Campus Library by mail:

Published on

12 March 2024


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