Mathematics branch library

Address & Contacts

Viale Morgagni, 67/a - 50134 Firenze · Map
Tel. 055.2751445 - E-mail: bibmate(AT)

Opening Hours

Orario Mathematics
8.30am-6pm8.30am-6pm8.30am-6pm8.30am-6pm8.30am-6pm (services until 2pm) closed

(scorri a destra)


The collection was established in 1927, thanks to Professor Giovanni Sansone, founder of the Library of the Institute of Mathematics Ulisse Dini, which, in 1999, became the seat of the Sciences Library. The first items in the collection came from the private library of Dini himself and a number of important donations: Finaly-Landau, Edgardo Ciani, Arturo Maroni, Bruto Caldonazzo. In 1963 the Library was eventually set up in its current location.

Besides set books and current specialistic material, the library holds an antique collection: Donazione Toja (in Italian) acquired in 1934 and containing rare books dating back to 1600s and 1700s and the Donazione Procissi (in Italian), comprising books from the 18th to the 20th century.

There is also an extensive collection of miscellaneous materials and antique collections searchable through the online and card catalogues.

Through OneSearch users can retrieve information on most of the books and journals held in the library; for items acquired before 1991 it is advisable to search also the card catalogue.
  • The library holds:
  • 34,144 books
  • 1,153 journals, of which 116 with a standing subscription and for the most part available also an e-journals

Special interest collections available online

Specific Resources


  • 80 seats in the reading room
  • 1 desktop PC for catalogue search and research
  • wireless connection

It's available BiblioScan: document scanning service

In the lower level there are two group study rooms and a computer room.

Access to bookstacks (BI Biblioteca inferiore, POZZO librario, ST Sala Toja, scaffali esterni, Rooms n. 1, 2 e 3) is restricted to teaching staff and post-graduate students upon request to library staff.   

The building has got a special entrance for disabled users: there is also a reserved parking lot beside the library building.


piantina della biblioteca di matematica

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