Sciences Campus library (Biology-Chemistry-Physics)

Address & Contacts

Via G. Bernardini, 6 (piano primo) - 50019 Sesto Fiorentino (FI) · Map
Tel. 055.4572921 - E-mail: bibsesto(AT)
By train: from Sesto Fiorentino or Zambra railway station, in direction to University Sciences Campus

Opening Hours

Orario Sciences Campus
8.30am-7.00pm (services until 6pm) 8.30am-7.00pm (services until 6pm) 8.30am-7.00pm (services until 6pm) 8.30am-7.00pm (services until 6pm) 8.30am-7.00pm (services until 2pm) closed

(scorri a destra)


Set up in 2001, the Sciences Campus Library houses the collections coming from the former libraries of Physics (Arcetri) and Chemistry and from the archives of the Superior Physics section (Santa Marta) and the Department of Chemistry. It also holds the entire journals collection of the Department of Pharmacy.
In 2014 the collection of Astronomy, formerly housed in Arcetri Observatory and then in the Department, was added.
Part of the books and journals collection is housed at Galileo Museum: see catalogue.

From 2017 the entire library of Animal Biology - established in 1977 - has been moved to the Sesto Fiorentino branch, from the historic headquarters of the Palazzo della Specola in Florence, which is also home to the Zoology section of the Museum of Natural History and the Department of Biology.

For items acquired before 1991, it is advisable to search also the card catalogue.

The library collection consists of:

    • 28,000 books
    • 913 journals, of which 115 with a standing subscription, mainly in digital format.

Special interest collections available online

Specific Resources


  • 164 seats in the reading rooms
  • 4 desktop PCs for catalogue search and research
  • wireless connection

It's available BiblioScan: document scanning service

The library is located inside the Sciences Campus in the suburb of Sesto Fiorentino, on the first floor of the Lecture Rooms-Library Building (n. 6).

The entire building is wheelchair accessible.


Sala Studenti

Sala Studenti

Sala Collezione Generale Monografie

Sala Collezione Generale Monografie

Deposito 82

Deposito 82



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