
The Documentation Centre is part of the University Library System and is born in continuity with the Florence 2016 Project promoted by the University of Florence in view of the 50th anniversary of the flood in November 1966; is devoted to the research, retrieval and processing of bibliographic and documentary information relating to the Florence floods and related themes.

The purpose of the Centre is:

  1. To ensure the retention and enjoyment of the documentation collected with the Florence 2016 Project enriching it through a strong integration with the thematic documentation available at all university libraries;
  2. To support the research and study activities of the 1966 flood of Florence and other flood events;
  3. To support the spread of the culture of prevention in relation to the risk of flooding;
  4. To encourage collaboration with other institutions and the establishment of an inter-institutional documentation centre.

The CEDAF is set up at the Humanities Library of the University of Florence.


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