Biomedical Library

Address & Contacts

Largo Brambilla, 3 - 50134 Firenze · Map
Tel. 055.2751370 - Fax 055.2751382 - E-mail: bibmedicina(AT)

Opening Hours

Orario Biomedical

(scorri a destra)

Director: Simona De Lucchi - PEC: bibliomed(AT)

The Biomedical Library, set up in 1999, is located inside Careggi hospital grounds (pavillion 5a).

The Library offers its services to all users affiliated to the University of Florence - in particular students and teaching staff of the School of Human Health.
Within the on-going project of seamless integration of services, internal users status is granted also to affiliates of the Meyer Children's Hospital and ARS (the Tuscan Regional Health Services).

For detailed information about the Library's organisation and services see the Regulations of the University Library System and Services (in Italian).



(How to obtain articles from Pubmed)
Cinahl Cochrane Library
(Create account Uptodate)
Web of Science Journal Citation Reports



The Biomedical Library was created in 1999 as a result of the merger of the libraries from two faculties (Medicine and Pharmacy) and the departments of the biomedical area.
  • Total volumes held: 230.576
  • Volumes on open shelves: 17.818
  • Current journals: 5,538 (All current issues are available as full-text e-journals. Older issues are available only in print format).
Antique collections (in Italian)

Reading and loans

All frequently borrowed materials are on open shelves with direct access.

  • In the SALA MONOGRAFIE (BANC collection) room are located the most recent editions of textbooks covering various subjects in health sciences as well as reference books.
  • In the SALA FONDO LIBRARIO G room there are older editions of set and text books.

Audiovisual material is for on-site use only and should be requested to the library staff.

All items held in closed deposits (journals, theses, miscellaneous) are for reading only and should be requested at the front desk.

Borrowing rules (in Italian)

Use of antique and valuable materials (in Italian)

The library premises

Wi-fi is available in the whole library building.

The Library premises are organised as follows:

Ground floor

  • Office for interlibrary loas and document delivery service (ILL-DD)
  • Information and distribution desks (books, older issues of journals, audiovisuals)
  • Specially-equipped room for users with disabilities
  • Room "fondo librario G" with open shelves
  • "Sala monografie" room with open shelves
  • Admin offices
  • Toilets
  • Food and drink self-service distributors

First floor

  • Two reading rooms with a total of 124 seats
  • Group study room with 25 seats
  • Computer room with 10 desks
  • Toilets

Second floor

  • Three group reading rooms for a total of 73 seats
  • The library manager's office
  • Lecture room
  • Toilets

Last update



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