European Documentation Centre (EDC)


The European Documentation Centre (EDC) was established in 1993 following an agreement between the University of Florence and the European Commission. Its aim is to disseminate EU policies and issues towards the academic community, offering students and teaching staff an overview of the main sources of information about the EU.

The School of Political Sciences "Cesare Alfieri", selected as a recipient of all publications issued by the EU institutions, has hosted the EDC since its foundation. In 2009 the Centre became part of the Social Sciences Library.

The rich archive of EDC documents covers all areas of concern of the EU and it is constantly updated. It is possible to launch bibliographic searches through OneSearch. All print publications are located on the ground floor of the library, behind the loan desk.

All EDC materials are organized in 17 thematic sections according to the official EU Publications Office Scheme.

Other documents included in the EDC are COM and SEC documents; opinions from the Committee of the Regions and the Economic and Social Committee; the complete series of the Official Journal of the EU and the case-law of the European Court of Justice.

The EDC of the University of Florence is part of the Europe Direct Network, and of the Italian Network of European Documentation Centres; it co-operates with The Europe Direct Information Centre in Florence.

Academic in charge of EDC: Adelina Adinolfi
Scientific Commettee: Laura Leonardi, and Valeria Fargion

Librarian in charge of EDC: Benedetta Calonaci.


The Library has dedicated desks to consult EDC documents, CD-ROMs, EU institutional websites and databases.

A specific reference service is available by appointment. For more information or appointments, please contact Benedetta Calonaci.

The EDC of the University of Florence is part of the Italian network of EDCs, Europe Direct Network and collaborates with Europe Direct Firenze

Academic in charge of EDC: Prof. Adelina Adinolfi
Librarian in charge of EDC: Dr. Benedetta Calonaci.

EDC Classification

01 Institutional questions
02 Custom union and commercial policy
03 Agriculture, Silviculture and Fisheries
04 Employment and labour
05 Social Questions
06 Law and procedures
07 Transports
08 Competition and undertakings
09 Finance
10 Economic questions
11 External Relations
12 Energy
13 Regional Policy
14 Environment
15 Scientific and Technical Research
16 Information, Education, Culture
17 Statistics

EU Websites and Databases

Listed below are the main databases pertaining to European matters. The complete list is on the EUROPA portal.

Another list is available on the website of Italian EDCs organised by theme.


Last update



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